Sunday, September 25, 2011

Always report nonreproducible bugs!! They may be time bombs.

Non reproducible bugs can be most expensive bugs, company might release.......

We observe many of the time program miss behavior in way you can't replicate it. You see failure but don't know how to reproduce it. 
You are always in dilemma whether to report or not. What will customer think? credibility ?? etc etc....

Programmer have tool that you don't have. If you report symptoms clearly it will be easy to trace bug. And bug getting fixed.

Yes, we know that nonproducible bugs are ignored by programmer. But its always good to have them in bug tacker.

When you report a nonproducible bug, make it very clear that you cannot replicate the bug. Some tracking system have the field for this----Can you reproduce this: Yes/no/intermittent/unknown.

Using PrintScreen, a screen recording etc can help you prove the existence of UFO :D

Please share your views.


  1. Absolutely correct !!!

  2. Some of the Bug Tracking tool have this option to report bugs with category "Sometimes".
