Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to install JDK on Windows

There are few simple steps in downloading JDK and installing it.

1. Go to Oracle website:

2. Mouse hover on Downloads menu, under 'Popular Downloads' section click on 'Java for Developers'

3. Click on Java Platform (JDK) 8u45

4. You will be directed to 'Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads' page

5. Click on 'Accept License Agreement' radio button

6. Based on your system architecture click on Windows x86 or Windows x64

x86 is for 32bit and x64 is for 64bit operating system

7. In my case I'm downloading Windows x64

8. Once download finish, double click on installer

9. JDK installation wizard will be opened. Click on Next to follow screen instruction and complete installation

10. Click on Close

11. Java installation completed. Hurray!!!

12. To verify if java is installed properly, open Command Prompt

13. Type command 'Java -version'

14.  Hit Enter key

 15. Java version will be shown in Command Prompt

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